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Mary’s life-long quest to search for what makes people thrive has led her to the power and beauty of Biofield Tuning, under the guidance of Founder Eileen McKusick. With understanding, compassion, warmth, and humor, Mary helps clients overcome emotional blocks and put to rest deep-seated issues so that they can become the architects of the life that they yearn to live.

Over the years, she has become not only a practitioner, but an instructor of the Biofield Tuning modality. As a Speech-Language Pathology Assistant, for ten years, Mary has worked with children on the Autism Spectrum and children with other cognitive and physical challenges. She welcomes working with clients of all ages and abilities.

Biofield Tuning is a healing you can hear through the music of vibration.
~ Mary McGillivray

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What is Biofield Tuning? 

The term 'biofield' refers to the electromagnetic field that our body naturally emits. Anything electrical puts out a magnetic field. This energy bubble around us holds our memories. Charged experiences such as traumas cause us to shatter, so to speak, and literally lose a piece of ourselves - this is well known in shamanic medicine. Luckily, these lost pieces stay floating around us in chronological order - like rings of a tree, within our field. The tuning forks are able to "feel" these lost pieces, I guide them back to your body and support them returning to flow within your system.

Tuning forks work therapeutically according to the physics principles of resonance and entrainment. They broadcast the environment they are activated in and resonate with whatever distortion or dysfunction is present in the body and its field. Then, through the production of a stronger, more coherent frequency provided by the tuning forks, they entrain the body into a more coherent expression.

The overtones and undertones produced by the tuning forks interface, like sonar, with these acoustic emanations of the body. The tuning forks are able to locate areas of noise in the signal. These pockets of noise are held like nodes or eddies in the standing waves contained within the biofield and may relate to experiences of physical, mental, or emotional stress from any point in our lifetimes.

When the noise is located in the field, the precise application of sound from the tuning forks can cause the body to self-regulate out of the noise and into a more harmonious expression.


Areas Biofield Tuning Can Offer Relief:   

Pain  -   Anxiety  -   Anger  -   Fear/Phobias   -   Adrenal stress  -   Digestive Issues  -   Menstrual Issues  -  Depression   -   Grief   -   Fibromyalgia  -    Addiction   -   Panic attacks
Vertigo - PTSD  - Migraines/Headaches   -   Restless Leg Syndrome   -   Concussion Recovery   -   Creativity blocks  -   Life Traumas   -  Athletic Blocks  -   Injury Traumas

I look at folks dealing with cancer on a case by case basis.
Full sessions not recommended during pregnancy.
Not recommended for people dealing with terminal illness.

 Eileen McKusick

Sound Therapy pioneer and author of Tuning the Human Biofield and Electric Body, Electric Health,
gives a wonderful introduction to understanding the Human Biofield.

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The Sonic Slider tuning fork frequency is made visible in a CymaScope.

93.96Hz is the 12th harmonic of the Schumann Resonance (7.83 x12)
As you can see, the amplitude of the signal increases, the pattern morphs from one to two to four to eight.
This may encourage healthy cell division and seems to create "youthification" in the
system as well as support more rapid recovery from injuries such as contusions.